FreeFlyer Level 1 Certification

Congratulations, Sweetums!


Your score of 100% is above the 70% passing threshold for the FreeFlyer Level 1 certification. Here is your score breakdown for each exam part:

  • Exam Part A: 50/50 correct for 70% contributed to final score
  • Exam Part B: 10/10 correct for 30% contributed to final score

You now have the right to brag! Show off your certification by adding it to your LinkedIn profile!

FreeFlyer Level 2 Certification

Congratulations, Sweetums!


Your score of 100% is above the 70% passing threshold for the FreeFlyer Level 2 certification. Here is your score breakdown for each exam part:

  • Exam Part A: 25/25 correct for 25% contributed to final score
  • Exam Part B: 25/25 correct for 25% contributed to final score
  • Exam Part C: 25/25 correct for 25% contributed to final score
  • Exam Part D: 25/25 correct for 25% contributed to final score

You now have the right to brag! Show off your certification by adding it to your LinkedIn profile!

Click here to see what this page looks like when someone fails Level 2 certification.