License file name License type (tier) # Seats Duration Maintenance Status Maintenance Expiration
License File Name 1 Network (Engineer & Mission) 1 Engineer Seat
2 Mission Seats
Permanet Maintained 03/05/2025
License File Name 2 Node Locked (Mission) - Temporary Not Maintained 03/05/2023
License File Name 1 Node Lock (Engineer) - Temporary Not Maintained 03/05/2024
License File Name 1 Network (Mission) 1 Mission Seat
1 Engineer Seat
Permanent Maintained 03/05/2025
License File Name 1 Network (Mission) 1 Mission Seat Permanent Maintained 03/05/2025

Request to upgrade license

Are you sure you want to send a request to upgrade this license?

Cancel Submit

Request a copy of this license

Are you sure you want to request a copy of this license?

Cancel Submit

Thank You!

Your request has been submitted to our FreeFlyer Tech Support team. They will be in contact with you shortly.


Request a new FreeFlyer license

What type of license are you requesting?

New Node-Locked license instructions

Node-locked licensing is the standard FreeFlyer licensing scheme, in which each computer must have its own license file, generated based on the hardware information of that computer. Please follow the instructions below to capture your computer's information. Once submited, a member of our Tech Support team will contact you regarding your new license.

  1. Download and install FreeFlyer
  2. Once FreeFlyer is installed, copy the computer information into the box below.

Paste your computer information

New Network license instructions

Network Licenses allow a group of users to share a pool of FreeFlyer licenses. The number of licenses which can be used concurrently depends only on the number of seats purchased. You must set up an on-site license server in order to use this licensing method through which licenses can be checked out or borrowed for off-site use.

  1. Download the License Information Utility
  2. Run the utility from either CMD (Windows) or Terminal (Linux)
  3. Copy the computer (server) information into the box below.

Paste your computer information

Download license support files

License file Date Size Download
License information utility April 24, 2024 4MB


Network licensing April 24, 2024 166MB


Dongle licensing April 24, 2024 26MB


VM licensing service April 24, 2024 4MB


Request a FreeFlyer license transfer

Users of the FreeFlyer software desiring to transfer one or more existing FreeFlyer licenses to a new location may do so by filling out and returning this Software License Transfer Agreement (SLTA) to a.i. solutions, Inc. FreeFlyer license transfers may only be applied to previously purchased, permanent licenses that are currently maintained under FreeFlyer Annual Maintenance Support.

License transfer procedure

  1. Fill out the following SLTA in full and submit it
  2. a.i. solutions, Inc. will verify the information provided in the SLTA, and will generate a new license accordingly and send back to the user
  3. Upon receipt and installation of the new license file, users must promptly remove the FreeFlyer software from the old computer and completely remove/delete all FreeFlyer licenses associated with the old computer

FreeFlyer license transfers may be executed for any of the following scenarios:

  • Non-functioning or upgraded computer
  • License modifications (example: from Windows operating system to Linux)
  • Contract transfers (example: from prime contractor to US government)
  • Non-functioning USB Dongle (a new USB dongle will be sent in this case)


Please read this Software License Transfer Agreement carefully. The undersigned hereby certifies that, in transferring the FreeFlyer application (the “Software”), he/she has acted in accordance with the a.i. solutions, Inc. Software License Agreement (the “SLA”) and this Software License Transfer Agreement (the “SLTA”). The undersigned further certifies that all previously existing copies of the Software, including password(s) and/or license file(s) have been destroyed if the transfer is from one machine/server/location to another machine/server/location.

Permission for Software License Transfer is hereby granted by a.i. solutions Inc to be performed for the transfers listed in the table below. The undersigned hereby certifies that approval for this license transfer has been granted in writing by a.i. solutions, Inc. and further certifies that the Software will not be reinstalled on the original or any additional computer(s) without purchasing additional licenses of the Software from a.i. solutions, Inc. or without the expressed written consent of a.i. solutions, Inc.

Current license owner

First name.*

Email address.*

Company name.*


Last name.*

Phone number.*

Job title.*

New license owner

First name.*

Email address.*

Company name.*


Last name.*

Phone number.*

Job title.*

Reason for transfer.*

If other, please explain.*

Type of license requested

Old machine information

PO number Old disk serial # Old disk composite # Old operating system Old host name (for network servier license only)
1234567890 Fruit Loops 9879413546984 Windows muppetvision/localhost/

New machine information

Old disk serial # Old disk composite # Old operating system Old host name (for network servier license only)

* - Denotes required field.

FreeFlyer Support Policy

FreeFlyer maintenance support from a.i. solutions, Inc. provides these distinct benefits to our FreeFlyer customers:

  • World-class FreeFlyer technical support assistance via email or phone
  • Access to the newest versions of FreeFlyer as they become available
  • Ability to perform license transfers as needed

Availabitlity of technical support

Customers with current FreeFlyer Maintenance Support have access to technical support assistance from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. US Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding US federal holidays. Users of all versions of FreeFlyer are eligible for technical support assistance, and the technical support team will provide script-based workarounds in your version if possible. Requests for technical support outside these hours will be addressed as soon as possible. FreeFlyer technical support is available via:

Software upgrades

Customers with current FreeFlyer Maintenance Support can freely upgrade to the latest version of FreeFlyer upon release. Major releases (numbered 7.4.0, 7.5.0, etc.) contain new features and occasionally provide advancements in functionality and usability that require edits to Mission Plans developed in the previous version. Minor releases (numbered 7.5.1, 7.5.2, etc.) contain bug fixes and do not introduce any changes that would require Mission Plan changes. This is to minimize the effort to upgrade to a minor release. Customers that are using the current version of FreeFlyer will receive custom patches to fix issues if script-based workarounds are unavailable.

Mission critical support

In addition, if an operational mission is affected by an issue believed to be caused by a defect in the FreeFlyer software, a.i. solutions technical support will work closely with the mission points of contact. They will determine the cause of the issue, provide a workaround if possible, and provide a patch release of FreeFlyer if required, provided that the mission is using either the current release of FreeFlyer or one of the two immediately preceding major versions of FreeFlyer.

Licesnse transfers

A FreeFlyer license under current FreeFlyer Maintenance Support may be transferred to another computer owned by the customer after obtaining approval from a.i. solutions, Inc. Reasons for license transfers may include: non-functioning or upgraded computer, change of users, or transfer of ownership within a contract (e.g. prime contractor to US Government). Licenses may not be transferred across different companies, organizations, or separately funded/managed Government programs or missions.

The a.i. solutions Software License Transfer Agreement (SLTA) must be completed and signed by an authorized official of the company. A one-week temporary license may be issued to support the customer while the license transfer agreement is executed.

FreeFlyer licenses not current under FreeFlyer Maintenance Support are not eligible for license transfers.

Maintenance support contracts

FreeFlyer Maintenance Support is available for all FreeFlyer products and offered to users on an annual basis. A minimum of one year of FreeFlyer Maintenance Support is required at time of initial purchase of any FreeFlyer license.

Maintenance support is available for volume discounting based on the number of unique licenses being maintained on a single purchase order.

Annual maintenance renewal

All users with active FreeFlyer Maintenance Support will receive advance reminders from their FreeFlyer Account Manager at 90, 60, and 30 days prior to the maintenance lapse date. Users are encouraged to renew FreeFlyer Maintenance Support in a timely fashion to avoid any potential lapse of coverage.

Lapsed maintenance renewal

If FreeFlyer Maintenance Support is not renewed prior to expiration of the current Maintenance Support contract it will be considered lapsed. FreeFlyer Maintenance Support that has lapsed by a period of less than 12 consecutive months may be renewed by paying Maintenance Support for the following 12 months plus the number of lapsed months since the original Maintenance Support contract ended. Technical support, license transfers and product upgrades will not be available until the Maintenance Support is renewed under the terms stated above.

If FreeFlyer Maintenance Support remains lapsed for a period in excess of 12 consecutive months, new FreeFlyer software licenses and maintenance must be purchased to reestablish the benefits of the FreeFlyer Maintenance Support program.

Download Maintenance Support Policy PDF